Go Green: Take an Eco-friendly Trip to The Market
2019 / 04 / 17The Hamilton Farmers’ Market is looking at all the different eco-friendly ways to travel to the Market. We’re all about making the world a little greener, and if you’re looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint, check out the travel methods listed below:
With the warm weather upon us, it’s a great time to grab a bicycle and bike to the Market. Biking is a great way to stay active & a fast way to travel (the average person can bike 3.5 kilometres in just 15 minutes)! Plan your route ahead of time, use the bike lanes in Hamilton and you can lock your bike up right on front of the Market. The Market has a shared bike rack with the Hamilton Public Library next door.

Don’t own a bike? No problem: HOP ON A HAMILTON SOBI BIKE!
Hamilton Sobi bikes are an awesome way to travel in Hamilton. You can pick up any bike from any hub and return it to any other hub. The Market has a Sobi bike hub right across the street on York Blvd & McNab street. Plus, the Sobi Bikes have a super convenient front bike basket to fit all your groceries in.
Getting your 10,000 steps a day is easy with a walk to the Market. On a nice day, stretching your legs & taking a stroll through the downtown core is great for your body, mind, & wallet! Walking is a zero emissions method of travel! You’ll be hitting your step goal in no time!
Instead of two people driving separately to the Market in two different cars with separate petrol tanks, you can halve the amount of costs by taking it in turns to drive to the Market. Carpool is a great way to cut costs on gas, & reduce your carbon footprint. Plus when you park in the York Blvd. Parkade you receive ONE hour FREE parking when validated by a vendor.

Hop on the HSR, and head down to the Market. By taking public transportation, it allows you to cut costs on gas, and gives you time relax. When you don’t have to focus on the road, it gives you extra time to read a book or the day’s newspaper on your travels.
Don’t be afraid to mix it up: You could walk to the Market then hop on a Sobi bike or HSR bus to get home. Plus the HSR offers a Mountain Climber program for cyclists to ride the HSR for free up and down the escarpment in Hamilton.
Make sure you take some time to enjoy your commute to the Market, & we can’t wait to see you here!