Hamilton Farmers’ Market Harvest Festival!
2021 / 09 / 25
Plan a visit to the Hamilton Farmers’ Market during the Harvest Festival, Friday, October 1st – 9th! While you’re here, pick up some delicious seasonal foods, desserts and artisanal touches. Take a picture with this beautiful display at the York Blvd. entrance!
LIVE MUSIC! On Saturday October 2nd and 9th, the Market will come alive with the sounds of Bel Canto Strings Academy!
KIDS COLOURING CONTEST! Pick up your colouring contest sheet at the cart at the York Boulevard entrance. Submit it to the Market office by Saturday, October 30th for your chance to win some cool prizes in the draw!
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, “Guess the number of candies in the jar!” Win $25 in HFM gift cards and the candy!
FILL OUT A BALLOT Enter our draw to win one of 3 prizes: $100 in HFM gift cards, $50 in HFM gift cards or $25 in HFM gift cards.
HFM SWAG SALE Beginning Friday, October 1st, and while inventory lasts, purchase a Market Shopping Bag, T-Shirt and Mug for only $20 at the Market Office on the lower level. Stock is limited!
Hamilton Farmers’ Market hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9 am – 4 pm and Saturday 8 am – 4 pm.
See you at the Market!