Ontario Peaches: Now in Season
2019 / 08 / 21Enjoy Ontario Peaches now available in the Hamilton Farmers’ Market. These fruits are a tasty treat for your taste buds. They are often available in late July to early August.
Early Ontario peach varieties, such as Early Redhaven, are best eaten fresh. Mid-season and late varieties are used most often for cooking or preserving. However, they are still delicious to be eaten fresh.

One medium-sized peach contains 37 calories and is an excellent source of Vitamin C.
Buying Tips:
When shopping, look for peaches that are moderately firm, with a smooth exterior skin and sweet aroma. Try to avoid wrinkled skin or a greenish tinge at the end, or extremely soft, bruised or blemished fruit.
Storing Tips:
- Keep peaches that are still solid to touch, at room temperature out of the direct sun.
- Ripe peaches should be kept refrigerated in a single layer for no longer than five days.
- Overripe (extremely soft) peaches should be used, fresh or in cooking, at once.
- Before eating or cooking, gently rinse under running water.
- TIP: To make peeling easier, first briefly immerse in hot/boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds.
- If you are planning on serving peaches on a fruit tray an easy way to keep sliced peaches from browning, is to toss lightly in lemon juice. Sliced peaches can also be frozen.

Serving Peaches:
The sweet taste of peaches is popular in the following dishes:
- Freshly sliced peaches paired with vanilla ice cream
- Peaches are often used in cobblers, crisps, or gently cooked with brown sugar.
- They also can be preserved and made into jam
- Peaches are delightful in your dinner main course as part of a fruit salads
- They also make a great topping for breakfast cereals, pancakes or waffles.
You can grab a basket of Ontario Peaches today from the Hamilton Farmers’ Market. We are located in the heart of downtown Hamilton (35 York Blvd). Open Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) & Saturday (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Plan your trip today!