Shop for Valentine’s Day
2022 / 02 / 05
Valentine’s Day is coming up and we’ve got you covered with some great ideas for gift-giving to loved ones or yourself!
Prepare a homemade meal with fresh ingredients. The Market has everything you need. Meat, cheese, seafood, fresh bread and so many fruits and veggies! Celery hearts anyone?! They’re as tasty as cinnamon hearts 😉
Fresh flowers from Josie Syer’s Plants & Flowers and Lesley’s Flowers brighten everyone’s day!
Don’t forget toys and treats for your furry friends. JT Pets has plenty of items to spoil your pet.
No time to cook? Order a pre-made meal from one of our food services vendors like Mat Salleh who have created a 4- course Valentine’s dinner for two. Contact them here to order.

Does your sweetheart have a sweet tooth? Hotti Biscotti has created a Valentine’s Day gift box. Place your pre-order by February 5th or stop by and pick out treats until Saturday, February 12th. Lina’s European Pastries and Coffee has homemade heart-shaped cookies and a special Valentine’s coffee blend!

Warm the hearts and feet of loved ones with hand-knit slippers from The Artisan Market. Anne has also created a new line of purses that you MUST check out!

Valentine’s Weekend at the Market
Join us on Saturday, February 12th to hear Bel Canto Strings Academy perform live between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm. These talented kids are always a pleasure to have in the Market.
Guess the number of Hershey’s Kisses in the jar to win!
See you at the Market!